LDS Preparedness Manual
Christopher Parrett
[Download] - this link goes to the sites main page - then click on "FREE RESOURCES" - scroll down to the manual to download
http://www.ldsavow.com/resources.html - click on this link to go directly to the download page.
If after going through it, you think you'd like to own a hard copy, you can order one for $8 + s/h here:http://www.abysmal. com/Merchant2/ merchant. mvc?Screen= PROD&Store_Code=RAVOW&Product_Code= LDSPREP
This manual has been prepared for, and is intended to be read primarily by, the active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
http://www.ldsavow.com/resources.html - click on this link to go directly to the download page.
If after going through it, you think you'd like to own a hard copy, you can order one for $8 + s/h here:http://www.abysmal.
This manual has been prepared for, and is intended to be read primarily by, the active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Please Note: The contents of this booklet are intended to assist individuals and families in coping with emergency preparations. However, final decisions on preparation for actions taken during an emergency are the sole responsibility of individuals. No one knows your needs or can take care of you better than you can nor does anyone else have that responsibility. Information and examples contained within this booklet are provided for illustration and advice only. Therefore, no liability is assumed by the Editor or any of the Authors for the use or misuse of any information or products contained in this publication.
This publication has not been endorsed or produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and its contents and the opinions it expresses are those of the Editor and the separate authors. While it should not be construed as an official church publication, effort has been made to ensure that all materials are in accordance with general church guidelines on food storage and family preparedness.
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