From the Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop
It’s a famine, an earthquake, no, wait, it just might be a plague! A plague of some of the smallest, yet most inconvenient creatures known to man, and feared by every Hospitality Industry Manager—bed bugs. Whether you’re dealing with it now or in an uncomfortable time in the future, I felt that this particular topic merited my attention.
Move over Broadway, you’ve got a competitor for the spotlight now. And don’t let the news headlines fool you. It’s actually much worse than you’re hearing.
As bedbugs creep out NYC, tourists crawl away
In fact, the CDC says that though the bed bugs were uncommon at the start of this century, there has been an alarming resurgence just in the past two years. In fact, some hospitality experts believe that in the last five years, every single hotel in the United States has been infested with bed bugs at one time or another. At the very least, USA Today reported that bed bug problems were up 11% in hotels AND up 11% in the hospitals as well. (That’s a nasty thought, eh?) Why and how? That’s what we need to know; as well as what we can do to combat them.

Boy, was I wrong. Ignoring them was as bad as ignoring that bully, Monica Montoya, in 5th grade. They only get worse and more brazen. They literally must be stopped in their tracks.
Bed bugs, like lice, feed on the blood of humans. Lovely, isn’t it? And you thought vampires were the new hotty, eh? Their bites are itchy and usually cause red, inflamed patches. In some instances people can have a serious allergic reaction to their bites and they can also trigger impetigo and other similar secondary infections. Worse, these buggers can live for an entire year without eating.

Want to know where they are hanging out the most? That would be Florida! (I totally feel sorry for Disney right about now.) But LA, TX, CA, and GA are right behind them in this honor, followed by SC, AL. MO, MI, NY, SD, CT, WA, and NH. (Notice how far down the list NY is, and yet they are ones making the headline news?)
So, is there something you can do that’s actually healthy, effective, and affordable? Yes, in fact there are even some great preventative measures you can take as well so that when you stay at that luxurious hotel your vacation is not ruined with a heightened anxiety.
First of all you’ve got the wonderful, incredibly reliable, diatomaceous earth! I strongly recommend that you feed it regularly to your indoor pets—just a smidge will do—food grade, of course. Secondly, I recommend that you mix a one-two cups of it with a gallon of water and spray it around the outside of your home, under the steps, under your floor mats, all around your laundry room, inside your car, and throughout your garage. Remember, diatomaceous earth kills ALL insects. You can also use it as an indoor spray in your drawers, on your mattresses, etc. I recommend that you do this now, before you have an unpleasant group of visitors.

Next, put a couple drops of this mixture in a cold air diffuser in your home. Diffuse for about 20 minutes, three times a day.
Next, add 5 drops of this concoction to your laundry loads.
Next, I recommend that you use just the oil portion of the concoction and get a bag of cotton balls. Put a single drop of the essential oil on each cotton ball. Put two cotton balls in each of your clothing and linen drawers or cupboards. If you have an extensive library of books, place the cotton balls methodically behind the books on each book shelf. You can also use these same cotton balls and put them in a “sachet” bag and safety pin them to the corners of your bed—both at home AND at the hotel. Traveling with the treated cotton balls in your luggage and NOT placing your luggage on the bed in the hotels, will also help you eliminate unwanted guests (not the human kind though, folks). I recommend doing this cotton ball routine every 2 months for the next 5-6 months. It also wouldn’t hurt to bathe your dog or cat in a bath tub of water with two drops of the “Tick-a-Boo” oil in it. If you follow this advice now, and in the midst of an infestation, your troubles will either pass you by or be completely eliminated.
Treat any bites you may get with lavender, helichrysum, or geranium essential oil.
By all means, wash new clothing before wearing it. When preparing for a trip, pack as much of your clothing in those sealing kinds of plastic bags as possible, or at least use these preventative measures I’ve shared, to ensure that you neither catch, nor carry, these nasty little bugs.
I certainly hope this helps. It sure made my life healthier, easier, and safer. Not to mention my legs stopped looking like I just ran a marathon in a mosquito infested swamp!
*Note: pure and truly potent essential oils cannot be stored in a plastic container so use a glass or a coated metal spray bottle.
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