I read the following article by Carolyn Nicolaysen on Meridian Magazine several years ago, and found it interesting. You may see yourself in many of the experiences she writes about, or you may also find that you are prepared in many areas, but lacking in others. Aren't we all?
As we read the scriptures, study the words of the prophets, and look at the signs all around us, we may feel a prompting from the Holy Ghost to prepare for what is to surely come. And come it will quicker than many anticipate. The better prepared we are then we shall be able to weather the stormy days ahead. It would be better to live amongst those who are fully prepared and waiting to assist the Lord in all that needs to be done in the days preceeding his coming in great glory, than to be amongst the faithless or simply lazy. We shall see harsh events occur all around, but we can be secure in knowing that we have done all we can to be prepared.