
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Build Your Ark Plan

Yes, this is another plan to help you gather and store what you need.

It wasn’t raining when . . . Noah built the ark.
If ye are prepared,ye shall not fear.
Doctrine & Covenants 38:30

Let evey head of household see to it that he has on hand enough food and clothing and, where possible, fuel also for at least a year ahead....  J. Rueben Clark, 1937

Spiritual Goal
Hold Family Home Evening every Monday for the month.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Review your retirement goals. Are you putting enough aside to be able to support yourselves and to do the things you want to do when you retire? Also change batteries in smoke alarms.

Storage Goal
24 cans of meat or fish per person 1 gallon bleach per person Can opener Garbage bags Laundry detergent

72 Hour Kit
Gather change of clothing including underwear and shoes for each family member. Include warm coats and boots or have them immediately accessible. Ax, shovel, bucket and utility knife
Infant needs $20 cash and $5 in change for phone

There is a wise old saying " Eat it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without". Thrift is a practice of not wasting anything. Some people are able to get by because of the absence o expense. They have their shoes resoled, they patch, they mend, they sew, and they save money. They avoid installment buying, and make purchases only after saving enough to pay cash, thus avoiding interest charges. James E. Faust

Spiritual Goal
Schedule time each day to read with your family from the Book of Mormon.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Plan and carry out a FHE on home fires, include planning an escape route and practicing it.

Storage Goal
100 pounds pasta or flour per person Hand grain mill Thread, needles, buttons and zippers

72 Hour Kit
1 gallon water per person Scriptures Personal documents - genealogical records, wills, insurance, contracts, Passports, birth certificates, patriarchal blessings, etc. $25. Cash

The Lord has warned us of famines, but the righteous will have listened to the prophet and stored at least a years supply of survival food. Ezra Taft Benson

Spiritual Goal
Have family prayer at least once a day. Twice is better.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Learn a new skill or read a book pertaining to your career. Remember that the ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals.

Storage Goal
50 cans soup, stew or chili per person 5 pounds salt per person 20 pounds fat - oil or shortening per person Aluminum foil, plastic wrap, storage bags, etc. At least 5 gallons water per person - recommended is 14 gallons/person for 2 weeks.

72 Hour Kit
1 pound dried fruit or trail mix per person (can use fruit leather) 1 package soda crackers per person (4 pkg./box) 1 package graham crackers per person (4 pkg./box) 2 liters tomato or orange juice per person Also make a goal to always have the fuel tanks on ALL your vehicles at least half full.

The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah. Ezra Taft Benson

Spiritual Goal
Attend the temple one more session than you normally do this month.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
If you normally do not grow a garden, plan to grow at least one vegetable this year. If you already have a garden either 1) grow a vegetable you haven't tried before OR 2) try a new method or technique this year.

Storage Goal
2 pounds yeast and baking powder per person 1 pound soda per person 1 gallon vinegar per person 10 can evaporated milk per person 20 Pounds peanut butter per person Spices, condiments and vanilla

72 Hour Kit
Treats: 4 granola bars, 2 sticks beef jerky, 1 package chewing gum and at least 12 hard candies or lollipops per person

The revelation to produce and stoe food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah." President Ezra Taft Benson

Spiritual Goal
Pray for the opportunity to share a Book of Mormon or church video with a non-member.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Make a goal and a plan to exercise regularly. It’s important to stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something really important.

Storage Goal
100 pounds variety of cereal grains - rice, oatmeal, cornmeal etc. per person 24 rolls toilet paper per person 2 rolls paper towels per person Garden Seeds 24 packages flavored gelatin per person At least one month prescription ahead for all doctor prescribed medication

72 Hour Kit
Battery Powered radio Battery Powered light Batteries

We will see the day when we will live on what we produce. President Marion G. Romney

Spiritual Goal
Prepare at least one family name of Temple Work.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Make a goal to have 6 months wages in savings for emergencies. Write out a realistic plan to make it happen. Speed isn’t always an advantage – both cheetahs and snails were on board.

Storage Goal
First Aid kit - should include: Scissors, knife, thermometer, measuring cup, medicine dropper, hot water bottle, triangular bandages, soap, matches, razor blades, needles, safety pins, adhesive tape, elastic bandage, gauze bandages, paper bags, bicarbonate of soda, Ipecac syrup(Induces vomiting), ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, Calamine lotion (insect bites and sunburn), rubbing alcohol, diarrhea remedy, antibiotic ointment, first aid instruction book, waterproof matches. Consecrated oil.

72 Hour Kit
Container for holding kit, for instance, large garbage cans with wheels OR a Back pack for each family member. Find an easily accessible place in your home for storing the kit. Your first aid kit, while part of your general storage, should be kept with your 72-hour kit.

Ye Latter-Day Saints, learn to sustain yourselves, produce everything you need to eat, dink, or wear.... President Brigham Young

Spiritual Goal
Take the family names you prepared last month to the Temple

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Eat healthier: fewer sweets, more fruit and veggies, smaller portions of meat and more fiber, etc. Remember that the woodpeckers inside are often a bigger threat than the store outside.

Storage Goal
50 pounds sugar or honey per person 10 - 10# cans (35 pounds total) powdered milk per person 2 toothbrushes per person Toothpaste and mouthwash Infant needs - formula, baby food, diapers, Tylenol, etc

72 Hour Kit
Prepare blankets (silver foil or wool) or sleeping bags and put them with your 72-hour kit. Add to your kit items that entertain: UNO cards, Coloring books, crayons, paper, pencils, etc. Camp stove or portable BBQ and fuel
Mosquito repellant $25 cash

For the moment we live in a day of peace, but it shall not eve be thus. Great trials lie ahead... and we must prepare ourselves temporally and spiritually. Bruce R. McConkie 

Spiritual Goal
Have family home evenings with your family every Monday night.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Learn to preserve food in a way you haven't tired before. Make sure your children receive blessings before school starts.

Storage Goal
100 quarts fruit and/or vegetables per person 24 pints jam or jelly per person School supplies Pet supplies

72 Hour Kit
1 can tuna and 1 can pork and beans per person ½ lb dried milk or 6 shelf-safe milk containers per person 2 packets hot chocolate mix and 2 cup instant soup packets per person Disposable plates, cups, bowls, and silverware
Pet supplies - be sure to include dishes, leash, and extra water $25. Cash

There is no person who knows the real purpose for which this welfare program is being instituted but hardly before sufficient preparation has been made the real purpose will be revealed and when that time comes it will challenge every resouce of the chuch to meet it. Harold B. Lee

Spiritual Goal
Have family scripture study together every day.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Review your will if you have one. Make any needed changes. If you do not have a will, make one. Plan and carry out a FHE on the importance of preparedness. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.

Storage Goal
10 - #10 cans (35 pounds total) powdered milk per person 25 pounds canned or dried potatoes per person 50 quarts fruit or tomato juice per person

72 Hour Kit
Replace items placed in your kit in March: 1 pound dried fruit or trail mix per person (can use fruit leather) 1 package soda crackers and 1 package graham crackers per person (4 pkg./box) 2 liters tomato or orange juice per person

When people are able but unwilling to take care of themselves we are responsible to employ the dictum of the Lord that the idler shall not eat the bread of the laborer. Boyd K Packer

Spiritual Goal
Attend one more session of General Conference than you normally do.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Make a goal to read 30 minutes/day to your children or grandchildren. If you have no children to read to, make a goal to read at least 30 minutes a day just for pleasure.

Storage Goal
50 cans of soup, stew, or chili per person 10 pounds of cheese - dried or bottled Shaving supplies Dish soap

72 Hour Kit
Replace items placed in your kit in April:
4 Granola bars per person 2 sticks of beef jerky per person 1 pkg. chewing gum per person Hard candy or lollipops - at least 12 per person Check batteries for light and radio and replace if necessary.

The time will come that gold will hold no comparison in value to a bushel of wheat.
President Brigham Young

Spiritual Goal
Have personal prayers and scripture study every day.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Make a goal to reduce your family garbage by recycling more. Look through your belongings and donated unneeded items to Deseret Industries.

Storage Goal
100 pounds wheat per person 1 - #10 can juice mix, Vitamin C enhanced, per person Hand/shower soap Light bulbs 24 rolls of toilet paper per person 2 rolls of paper towels per person Rotate your prescribed medicines placed in your pack in May. Feminine supplies

72 Hour Kit
Soap (non-rinse is great), disinfectant
Toothbrushes & toothpaste Shaving supplies Feminine needs Aluminum foil

No man is truly fee who is financial bondage. ‘Think what you do when you run in debt,' said Benjamin Franklin, 'you give another power over your liberty.' Ezra T. Benson

Spiritual Goal
Decide as a family how you can better remember and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Priesthood Provident Living Goal
Review your insurance coverage - life, household, vehicle. Do you have enough? Could you replace your vehicle or household goods with the coverage you have?

Storage Goal
40 pounds dried beans per person Matches Candles Batteries

72 Hour Kit
Garbage bags Matches Candles $25 cash

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