
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pinto Bean Cookbook




2 ½ cup lukewarm water                                  1 cup thoroughly mashed or liquefied cooked pinto beans
1 package dry yeast                                          3/4 cup gluten flour
3 tablespoons honey                                         3 cups unbleached white flour
3 tablespoons corn oil                                       4 cups whole-wheat flour
2 ½ teaspoons salt

Soften yeast in 2~ cups warm, not hot water. Add honey & 1 cup white & 2 cups whole-wheat flour. Mix. Cover. Set in a warm place until light and spongy.  Beat in remaining ingredients with wooden spoon except 1 cup white flour. Turn out on floured board & knead hi last cup of white flour. Continue to knead for seven minutes. Set aside to double in bulk. Shape into amount or each loaf desired. Set on board & cover with towel. Leave 10 minutes. Grease plans, then shape into loaves & place in pans. Cover & let rise until bread does not spring back when pressed with finger. Place in preheated oven at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.  Then reduce heat. Bake at 350 degrees until nicely browned.


From the following bread sponge take out 3 cups of the sponge for rolls.

5 cups lukewarm water                         1 ½ cups mashed or liquefied pinto beans
2 packages dry yeast                                        2/3 cup rye flour
6 tablespoons honey                                         ¾ cup gluten flour
3 cups white flour                                            
3 cups whole wheat flour                                 
6 tablespoons corn oil                          

To 3 cups of this sponge add:
2 eggs
3 tablespoons sugar
1 cup corn oil

Beat in these 3 ingredients well. Knead in 3 cups of white flour until smooth & satiny.  Let ruse until double in bulk.  Punch down, then roll out on floured board & spread with melted margarine or butter, & sprinkle brown sugar over to cover.  Roll jellyroll fashion.  Cut 1” pieces.  Place pieces in greased pan, which has been lined with pecans.  Sprinkle with brown sugar and dot with margarine.  Cover & let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk.  Bake in 350-degree oven until nicely browned. About 30 minutes. Yield 3 pie pans full.

To remainder sponge add white or whole-wheat flour & process as for bread.  Bake in 400-degree oven for 10 minutes. & Reduce heat to 350 degrees & bake for 50 minutes.


1 cup mashed pinto beans                                          1 ½ cups scalded milk
2 packages dry yeast                                                 2 cups flour

Cool milk to lukewarm.  Add yeast and stir until dissolved.  Add beans  & flour.  Mix and let set 10 minutes.   Then add the following:

2 egg yolks                                                               1 teaspoon salt
1 whole egg                                                              1 tablespoon maple flavoring
½ cup sugar                                                              3 cups flour
½ cup butter

Mix well. Turn on lightly floured board & knead until smooth. Cover and let rise 1 hour.  Roll out ¼” thick.  Cut with a doughnut cutter. Let rise until double in bulk.  Fry in deep fat at 400 degrees. Frost with brown sugar frosting.


1 quart lukewarm water                                             ¼ cup salt
1 cake yeast or package dry yeast                             about 10 cups flour
½ cup sugar                                                              ¾ salad oil, butter or shortening
4 eggs, beaten                                                           4 cups mashed cooked beans

Dissolve yeast in the water, add 2 cups flour & let stand 10 minutes.  Add eggs, shortening, sugar, beans, & salt. Add flour & mix to soft dough. Let rise as you do other breads. Shape into loaves & place in greased pans & let rise. Bake at 400 degrees for 45minutes to 1 hour.


2 cups rinsed, unseasoned pinto beans   2 packages dry yeast
2 cups milk, scalded                                                           2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons sugar                              -                            2 tablespoons shortening
                                                                                          6 cups all purpose flour

Pour milk into 1arge bowl & cool to lukewarm.  Sprinkle yeast over milk & stir until dissolved.  Blend in beans, salt, sugar & shortening. Gradually add about 4 cups of flour, stirring with spoon as flour is added. in.  Add enough of the remaining flour to handle easily (this will take less flour than with ordinary bread). 

Knead until smooth & elastic. Turn into greased bowl, turning once to bring greased side up.  Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk about 1 hour. Punch down & bring edges to center & turn over in bowl. Cover; let rise again, until almost double. Divide dough into two portions. Shape into two loaves. Place in greased pans. Cover, let rise until almost doubled in bulk – about 45 minutes.  Bake at 350 degrees, for about 50 minutes.  Cool on racks.

1 egg                                                                        9 tablespoons shortening
2 cups milk                                                               3 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt                                                         flour
½ cup mashed into beans

Break egg into mixing bowl.  Add salt, milk & pinto beans. Mix in flour to desired consistency.  Add melted shortening & last the baking powder. Bake on griddle. Serve with butter, syrup or jam. 


2 eggs  1 teaspoon salt
1 cup cold pinto beans (cooked)                               2 cups flour
1 cup milk                                                                 2 teaspoons brown sugar
4 tablespoons melted fat or oil                                   2 teaspoons baking powder

Beat eggs, milk & shortening. Add beans & sugar. Add other ingredients. Stir just until mixed. Put in greased muffin tins & bake 20—25 minutes at 400 degrees. Serve with butter.


½ cup sugar                                                                  2 teaspoons baking powder
½ cup shortening                                                           ½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup cooked pinto beans                                              ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt                                                           ½ teaspoon cloves
1 egg                                                                             ½ cup chopped nuts
2 cups sifted flour

Mix & add ingredients in order given. Put into well-greased loaf pans & and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.


2 eggs                                                                           1 cup milk
1 cup mashed cooked pinto beans                                 14 tablespoons melted fat
1. teaspoon salt2 cups flour
½ cup brown sugar                                                        3 teaspoons baking powder

Mix ingredients. Beat eggs; mix with milk & mashed beans. Melt fat & combine all ingredients.  Mixing just enough to moisten dry ingredients. Fill muffin tins half full & bake at 400 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.

2 ½ cups flour                                                           1egg, beaten
¾ teaspoon salt                                                         1 ¼ cups milk
4 teaspoons baking powder                                       1/3 cup nuts
¾ cup sugar                                                              ¾ cup mashed cooked pinto beans
2 tablespoons melted shortening                                1 cup all bran

Sift dry ingredients. Mix era, milk & shortening.  Blend with dry ingredients. Add bran, beans & nuts. Grease & flour a bread loaf pan.  Pour batter into pans.  Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.  Remove from pan to cool. 


Cream together:
2 cups sugar                                                                 1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup shortening                                                          ½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon salt                                                            1 teaspoon baking powder

2        eggs well beaten
2/3 cup milk
1 cup mashed warm pinto beans
1 cup chopped pecans 1 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon vanilla

Sift together and add:
2 cups flour
½ cup cocoa
1 teaspoon cream of tartar

Stir together thoroughly, until smooth.  Pour into large 10” tube pan or two loaf pans and bake for one hour.  Serve with butter or can be served as cake.


1 cup lukewarm buttermilk                                            ¼ teaspoon soda
1 tablespoon sugar                                                        3 tablespoons melted shortening
¼ teaspoon salt                                                            1 yeast cake, crumbled

Combine and sir until dissolved.  Mix in 2 ½ to 2 ¾ cups flour.  Turn on board and let rest 10 minutes.  Knead until smooth and elastic.  Place in greased bowl and let rise until doubled.  Roll our ½ “ thick and spread with bean filling.  Roll up as a jellyroll and cut into 1” pieces and place in greased muffin tins.  Let rise and bake 25 minutes at 350 degrees.  Makes 16 rolls.

Bean filling:
1 cup cooked pinto beans mashed                                garlic, salt, & pepper to taste
½ cup tomato paste
Mix well and spread on dough.  Fried hamburger, chopped onions, peppers and grated cheese may be added.  Roll up. 


1 cup sugar                                                                   1 ½ cups flour
½ cup butter or margarine                                             3 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs                                                                          ½ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons dark molasses                                         ½ cup nuts
1 ½ cup mashed bean pulp                                           ½ cup raisins
½ cup Roman Meal cereal

Cream sugar and margarine.  Add beaten eggs, beans and molasses.  Beat Well.  Add dry ingredients.  Mix well.  Fold in nuts and raisins.  Pour into loaf pan.  Bake 1 hour at 375 degrees. 



Cook beans - salt to taste.  Drain, cover with following dressing & marinate overnight.

1 teaspoon salt                                                               1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon dry mustard                                                  2 oz cider or wine vinegar
½ teaspoon paprika                                                       ¼ teaspoon pepper
4 oz. salad oil

Blend vigorously. After the dressing has been added, sprinkle


1can, 16 oz. pork & beans                                            1 small onion
½ cup catsup                                                                 3 Tablespoon brown sugar
3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce.

Mix all ingredients. Put strips of bacon on top & bake 350 degrees for 1 hour.


1 lb. hamburger                                                             1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons margarine                                                1 medium onion chopped
3 tablespoons brown sugar                                            ½ teaspoons dry mustard
Dash of Worcestershire sauce                                        2/3 cup catsup
1 can red kidney beans or 1 cup cooked pinto beans

Bake at 350 degrees for about 90minutes.


21/2 lbs. cooked beans                                                  ½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 gallon water                                                                ¼ cup chili powder
1 lb. ground beef                                                           2 tablespoons salt
1 cup chopped onion                                                     2 tablespoons sugar
1 ½ quarts tomatoes

 Cook meat and onions together until done.  Add meat mixture, spices & tomatoes to cooked beans & simmer for 1 – 2 hours.


2 cups pinto beans cooked & mashed to a paste            Onion to taste
1 large pickle (dill or sweet)

Combine ingredients & add enough thick sweet cream to spread.


1 onion chopped fine                                                     1/3 cup molasses
2 tablespoons green pepper diced fine                            ½ cup hot catsup
2 strips bacon diced                                                       1 teaspoon dry mustard
2-3 cups cooked pinto beans                                         4 tablespoons brown sugar
salt to taste                                                                    ¼ cup crushed pineapple
Pineapple slices for garnish

Sauté onion, pepper & bacon until onion & pepper are soft. Combine with remaining ingredients except pineapple slices.  Place in baking dish. Garnish with pineapple slices & bake 2 hours at 325 degrees.


1 cup mashed pinto beans
Season to taste using the following ingredients:

Chopped onion                                                 grated cheese
Pepper sauce or diced                                      jalapeno pepper
Taco sauce                                                                   chopped olives
Sour cream                                                                   salsa

PINTO SANDWHICH BAKE  (knife & fork sandwiches)

1 lb. ground beef                                                           ¼ cup catsup
1 teaspoon salt                                                             

Spread 6 slices of bread with butter or margarine.  Arrange in bottom of 9 X 13” pan. Toast at 350 degrees about 15minutes. Top with meat mixture.  Layer with:

6 large onion slices                                                         2 cups cooked pinto beans
¼ cup canned pimentos                                                 1 cup grated cheese
4 tablespoons taco seasoning

Corer with 6 more bread slices. Beat 2 egg. & combine with 1 cup milk.  Pour over bread.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 50 minutes.


I cup pinto beans, cooked                                               2 tablespoons mustard
1 small onion                                                                  2 tablespoons catsup
1 dill pickle                                                                     Salt & Pepper to taste

Nash beans with fork.  Add onion & pickle that have been minced. Add mustard, catsup, salt & pepper. Mix well.  Spread between two layers of bread.


 ½ cup flaked tuna                                                          ¼ cup green pepper chopped
1 cup mashed pinto beans                                              ¼ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon grated onion                                              Dash of Pepper
2 teaspoons lemon juice
¼ cup celery chopped

Combine ingredients. Chill. Makes about 10 sandwiches


1 cup cooked into beans mashed                                  ½ cup ground raisins
 ½ cup mayonnaise                                                       ¼ cup chopped nuts
Salt to taste

Mix ingredients.   Spread on bread & garnish with lettuce leaf.


2 cups cooked pinto beans mashed                                1 tablespoons chopped onion
¼ cup chopped dill pickles                                             2 hard-boiled eggs. chopped fine
2 tablespoons green pepper, chopped                            salt and pepper to taste

Mix above ingredients & moisten with enough mayonnaise, pickle juice & a wee bit of prepared mustard to spread well. Make into sandwiches.


2 cups mashed pinto beans                                            1/8 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped ham                                                       1/8 cup chopped celery
1 teaspoon mustard                                                       Salt & Pepper to taste
2 tablespoons mayonnaise                                              1 tablespoon catsup
1/8 cup chopped green pepper

Mix well & serve on bread as sandwiches.


1 cup mashed pinto beans                                              ¼ cup walnuts diced
Salt & Pepper to taste                                                    2 tablespoons mayonnaise
¼ cup celery diced                                                         2 tablespoons red onion diced
¼ teaspoon garlic salt

Combine all ingredients & mix well. Use for spread on crackers or sandwiches or use as a dip.


2 cups pinto beans mashed                                             1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon spiced salt                                                    ¼ cup canned milk
Dash of garlic salt                                                           ¼ cup French dressing

Mix all together & beat until light & creamy.


3 cups dry pinto beans                                               1 can tomato sauce
2 ham hocks or 2 slices ham                                      1 can tomato soup
1 cup diced onions                                                     Salt, & pepper to taste   
1 cup diced celery                                                     

Cook beans with ham hocks or ham (sliced).  When almost done, add diced onions, celery tomato sauce & soup. Add water needed to make thick soup.


1 quart cooked pinto beans                                            ½ cup diced celery
1 lb. hamburger                                                             1 tablespoon chili powder
1 small can tomato juice                                                 1 teaspoon savory salt
1 medium onion diced                                                    1 tablespoon sugar

Fry hamburger, then combine the other ingredients Cook slowly till celery is tender. Add water as needed.


5 medium carrots sliced & cooked                                 1 large onion diced
1 lb. lean ground beef                                                    1 cup diced celery
Salt, pepper, savory salt & garlic to taste                         1 quart cooked pinto beans
1 can whole kernel corn                                                  2 cups diced tomatoes

Shape lean a-round beef into small balls.  Season with salt, pepper savory salt & garlic salt.  Pan broil until brown. Add diced onion, celery, corn, tomatoes, pinto beans & carrots & cook until vegetables are tender.


1 cup cooked rice                                                         2 cups cooked pinto beans
2 hard boiled eggs chopped                                          ½ cup sweet pickles chopped
¼ cup onion chopped                                                   ¼ cup celery chopped
¼ cup chopped green pepper                                       ¼  teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper                                                       ½ cup mayonnaise
Lettuce to garnish

Combine ingredients in mixing bowl. Chill. Serve on crisp lettuce.  Flavor is best if combined while rice is hot. Serves 6—8.  Garnish as desired.


Soak 3 cups pinto beans in cold -water with 1-tablespoon vinegar to each quart of water overnight.  Cook in this same water.  Simmer until done. Drain & put in cold water with a pinch of salt. Let stand overnight or until beans are firm clear through. Drain once again; add chopped green onion, diced red pepper to your taste. Salt to


1 pint sour cream                                                           1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 tablespoons salad dressing                                          1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

This is the right quantity dressing for 2~ quarts cooked beans. Mix salad & serve on lettuce or endive. Sprinkle parsley on top.


1 package lemon or lime Jell-O                                      2 teaspoon onion juice or
2 cups boiling- water or vegetable                                   grated onion
   juice, or 1 cup each                                                     1 cup cooked pinto beans
3 tablespoons vinegar                                                     salted and drained
½ teaspoon salt                                                              tomato slices (for garnish)
1 tablespoons horseradish or                                          Salad dressing, paprika &
a couple dashes of chili powder                                          parsley (for a-garnish)
¾ cup shredded cabbage or                                           Lettuce leaves
    diced celery

Mold the above ingredients into a large mold or into individual salads.  Un-mold on lettuce leaves & garnish with tomato slices, dressing & parsley.


2 cups cooked pinto beans                                             2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
4 hard-boiled eggs                          .                              2 tablespoons chopped onion
salad dressing.


2 cups cooked pinto beans                                             ¼ cup minced green pepper
½ cup tomato sauce                         -                             ¼ cup minced celery
2 tablespoons nippy cheese; crumbled                            1 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon minced onion                                             1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon prepared mustard                                       6 medium tomatoes

Mix ingredients & chili. Wash & stem tomatoes. Cut tomatoes in half-petal fashion. Place on lettuce leaf.  Fill with chilled salad.  Garnish with parsley or watercress.


3 cups cooked pinto beans                                            1 small green bell pepper
1 diced avocado                                                            ½ cup chopped endive or celery
1diced carrot                                                                 ¼ cup mayonnaise
1 small minced onion                                                      ½ cup French dressing
1 small red bell pepper

Combine ingredients  & add dressing.


3 cups pinto beans cooked                                            1 teaspoon salt
2 chilled hard boiled eggs; chopped                                1 cup chopped & drained sauerkraut
2 medium onions chopped fine                                        Tomato, lettuce & mayonnaise

Mix all ingredients except tomato & lettuce, adding just enough mayonnaise to moisten. Chill & serve on lettuce. Garnish with tomato wedges.


1 clove of garlic                                                             1tsp salt; stir into 2 cups cooked pinto beans. Chopped lettuce ½ red pepper relish
6 oz. Cubed cheddar cheese                                          2 cups diced celery,
1 cup grated carrots                                                       French dressing

Mix well and serve. 


1 cup mashed pinto beans                                             1 Tablespoon sugar
1 cup catsup                                                                 ½ teaspoon savory salt
½ cup finely cut sweet pickles                           ¼ teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon finely cut onions                                          ¼ teaspoon celery salt

Combine & serve with chips or fish.


Dip                                                                                          Pinto Bean Balls
¼ cup cooked pinto beans chopped fine                       2 cups cooked pinto beans
½ cup catsup                                                                1 tablespoon butter

2 teaspoon prepared horseradish                                  1 tablespoon vinegar

¼ teaspoon grated onion                                               Garlic, salt & pepper to taste
½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce                                

Mash beans well, add remaining ingredients & mix well. Form into small balls; dip in a raw egg, well beaten. Roll in fine breadcrumbs. Fry beans balls in a deep fat and serve while hot, on cocktail picks with zippy pinto bean sauce (above). Makes 45 balls.


3 oz. Cream cheese                                                      ¼ cup chopped onion
¾ cup mashed pinto beans                                             ¼ cup chopped olives
¼ cup chopped dill pickles                                             Salt & Pepper to taste

Whip cream cheese until soft.  Add other ingredients and blend thoroughly.  Serve with corn or potato chips. 


4 cups cooked pinto beans                                             1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 slices bacon, fried crisp                                               1 clove garlic
1 cup hot bacon fat                                                        Juice of 1 lemon
1 to 2 tablespoons Tabasco sauce

Drain beans, add hot fat & stir constantly until browned. Drain off surplus fat & mash beans to smooth consistency. Crumble baton & add with remaining ingredients.  8 Add salt and pepper if desired.  Thin with liquid from beans, if too thick. Serve with green salad & corn chips or cheese trackers.



2 cups pinto beans                                                         ¼ teaspoon rosemary
1 smoked ham hock                                                      1/8 teaspoon garlic salt
1 large onion sliced                                                        1 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 or 2 carrots diced                                                       2 teaspoons salt
3 potatoes cooked & mashed                                        ¼ teaspoon black pepper
1/8 teaspoon thyme                                                       Pinch of cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon marjoram

Soak washed beans overnight with 1 – 2 tablespoons baking soda in water.  In the morning, rinse beans with fresh water. Cook in 2 quarts of water with ham hock until mushy. Remove ham hock & separate meat from bone. Cut meat into small bits.  Mash beans with potato masher. Replace meat & add other ingredients. Cook over slow heat for 2 or hours or longer.  Add water as needed. May be kept frozen until ready for use.


2 cups cooked pinto beans                                            1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 can condensed tomato soup                                        1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 ½ cup water                                                               1 cup salami cut in strips
½ cup onion slices                                                         ½ cup chopped celery

Combine ingredients & simmer 15 – 20 minutes.  Serves 6


Pick over, wash &cover with cold water, 2 cups pinto beans. Let stand over night. Drain. Combine following in a kettle;
8 cups water                                                                  1 large potato pared & diced
1 cup diced celery                                                         ¼ teaspoon pepper
4 cups tomato juice                                                        celery tops
1 tablespoon salt                                                            drained beans
1 large onion separated into rings

Bring to boil and then simmer covered, for 3hours, or until beans are tender.

Ham Balls:

1cup ground cooked ham                                              1 tablespoon flour
1 egg slightly beaten                                                       ½ teaspoon dry mustard
¼ teaspoon pepper
Form seasoned ham into small balls. Drop into hot cooked soup. Simmer 15 minutes.


1 lb. pinto beans (2 ¾ c. dry)                                         3 beef shanks 3 inches thick
2 tablespoons bacon grease                                       3 teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon pepper                                                       1 cup chopped celery
1 ½ cup chopped onion                                                1 pint tomato juice
3 tablespoons chopped parsley                         1 tablespoon chopped celery leaves

Thoroughly wash beans.  Cover with 6 cups water. Bring to full boil for two minutes.  Remove from heat, cover, and let stand for 1 hour.  Brown beef shanks in bacon grease. Pour off drippings.  Measure liquid from beans; add water to make 2quarts.  Add this liquid, salt, pepper & beans to beef shanks. Bring to boiling point; reduce heat to simmer, covered for 2hours.  Add celery, onion & tomato juice. Cover.  Simmer for 1 hour or until meat is tender. About 10 minutes before soup is don, cut up meat & add celery leaves & parsley.


4 cups pre—cooked pinto beans                                   ½ pound hamburger
1 8oz can tomato sauce                                                 1 tablespoon chili seasoning
1/4 cup chopped onion                                                  Salt & Pepper to taste

Cook onion in skillet until tender. Add hamburger & simmer until light in color.  Add tomato sauce & seasoning. Simmer 10minutes. Add to beans to a cooking pot and simmer 1-hour.  Add enough water to keep from sticking  & also to make the desired consistency for soup. Serve with crackers.


1 cup pinto beans                                                          ½ cup ground bacon
2 cups tomatoes                                                           ¼ cup diced onions
1 cup shredded carrots                                     Salt & Pepper to taste
½ package noodles

Cook pinto beans until soft in a rather large kettle.  Add tomatoes, carrots, bacon, onion, salt &pepper. Continue cooking slowly to desired thickness. About1/2 hour before serving, add noodles. The longer the soup cooks the better the flavor.  Water may be added to prevent sticking. 


2 cups cooked pinto beans                                            2 quarts potato water
2 medium onions chopped fine                                       Salt & Pepper to taste
½ teaspoon garlic

Mash beans with potato masher & add all ingredients. Boil ½ hour, then simmer two more hours or longer.


1 cup ground beef                                                          3 tablespoons flour
1 small onion grated                                                       1 cup tomato juice
1 teaspoon chili powder                                                 1 cup cooked pinto beans
1/2 teaspoon salt

Brown beef & onion in small amount of fat in a skillet. Add chili powder, flour & salt. Stir until thickened.  Add beans & tomato juice.

Make dough of:

1 cup yellow corn meal                                                  2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup flour                                                                     1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
Roll to about ½ inch thick: spread with chili mixture.  Roll up and place in a baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees until corn meal roll is brown.


Pizza dough: Place ¾ cup warm water into a bowl. Add 1 package dry yeast, 2 teaspoons sugar & stir until dissolved. Add 2~ cups biscuit mix.  Kneed 20 times.  Roll into circles - ¼" thick. This amount makes eight 4” circles or 3 10—12” circles. Place on greased baking sheet.  Press outer edges so they are thicker. Let rise 35 minutes.

1 ½ cups pinto bears, mashed                                    ½ pound ground beef, lightly browned
1 cup tomato sauce or catsup                                    ½ teaspoon chili powder (to taste)
1/2 cup chopped onion                                              Salt & Pepper to taste
¼ cup chopped green pepper                                    ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
1 small garlic clove mashed                                        2 tablespoons brown sugar

Mix all ingredients & simmer slowly 20 minutes.  Spread on circles of dough.  Sprinkle with oregano & top with grated cheddar cheese.  Decorate with stripe of pimento.  Bake at 25 degrees for 15 minutes or until crust is brown & bubbly.  Variations:  Add olives, sausage, etc.


1 dozen corn tortillas                                                              1 can tomatoes
2 cups manned pinto Leans                                                     1 lb. processed cheese grated
1 large onion chopped                                                            1 cup cream
3 chopped green chilies

Dip tortillas in hot grease & spread with 1 tablespoon mashed beans.  Roll & place in large baking dish.  Place chopped onions & tomatoes in large saucepan & simmer for 45 minutes.  Add grated cheese & cream.  Simmer until cheese melts.  Pour over tacos & bake at 300 degrees for 30 minutes.

1 ½ cups tomatoes                                                    1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1-½ tablespoons flour                                                 ¼ teaspoon chili powder
3 cups chili (below)                                                    Favorite corn bread recipe

Thicken tomatoes with flour. Add chili; heat to simmering  & place in casserole. Add chill powder & cheese to corn bread batter.  Drop from tablespoon on top of chili. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 – 20 minutes.

This is an ideal way to use left over chili.

1 lb. ground beef                                                       3 teaspoons chili powder
3/4 cup chopped onion                                              ½ teaspoon cumin
3/4 chopped celery                                                    1 ½ salt
½ teaspoon paprika                                                   2 8 oz cans tomato sauce
4 cups cooked pinto beans

Cook beef, onions & celery until lightly brown. Blend in seasoning.  Add tomato sauce & beans.  Simmer slowly for 1 hour.


1 lb. lean spare ribs                                                   1 tablespoon mustard
4 cups pinto beans cooked                                        4 tablespoons brown sugar
4 tablespoons vinegar                                                Salt to taste
1 onion chopped                                                       Pepper to taste
1 onion chopped                                                       ¼ green pepper chopped
Chili powder to taste                                                 Celery to taste

Brown spare ribs in skillet. Combine other ingredients in a bean pot or 2 quart casserole. Stand browned spare ribs on end around edge of bowl circling the beans. Bake in slow oven 300 degrees for 2 hours. If necessary add more liquid.


1cup boiled & drained pinto beans                             1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 tablespoons butter                                                  1 cup chopped boiled chicken
1/4cup chopped mushrooms                                      1-cup dry rice
Salt & Pepper to taste                                               9 cups chicken broth
Parmesan cheese                                                       1 small onion

Chop onion fine.  Fry lightly in butter. Place a few drops of yellow food coloring in ½ cup of water.  Cook rice in it just long enough to color it, which is about 1 minute.  Drain. Add rice to onion & butter & stir well. Add about 1-cup chicken broth slowly stirring constantly cooking over medium heat. As broth cooks down, add balance of broth in small quantities and cook about 20 minutes or until rice is done. Then add butter, beans, parsley & mushrooms. Place in casserole & bake at 325 degrees for 30 tin. Garnish with cheese & replace in oven until cheese is melted.


2 cups pinto beans                                                         3 tablespoons molasses
1 lb. sausage                                                                  ½ teaspoon dry mustard
1 ½ teaspoon salt                                                          1 medium onion chopped
3 tablespoons brown or granulated sugar                        ¼ cup catsup
2 cups tomato juice

Wash beans & cover with water. Soak overnight. Place beans in presto cooker. Add salt & cover with water. Cook 40minutes. Let steam return to down position. Make sausage into small patties.  Place half the beans in casserole dish.  Place a layer of sausage with half the remaining ingredients. Add rest of beans & seasonings. Place rest of sausage over the top. Cover with tomato juice. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.

1onion grated                                                            ½ teaspoon celery salt
6 tablespoons butter or margarine                              1 ½ cups mashed pinto beans
½ teaspoon black pepper                                          ½ garlic clove, finely chopped
1/3 cup pinto juice                                                    1 egg
1 teaspoon salt                                                          bread crumbs
Frying Oil

Melt butter over low heat; add onion and cook gently for 5 minutes.  Add salt, pepper, garlic, and celery salt. Blend bean juice with mashed beans. Add this mixture to onion mixture.  Pour into dish & chill until ice cold. Form mixture into shape of chicken legs. Roll in beaten eggs & bread crumbs. Chill again until firm. Fry in deep fat 3 0 degrees until nicely browned. Drain on absorbent paper & insert stick to represent chicken leg. Buy these at meat market. Yield 9 large sized or 12 medium sized legs.  Serve hot with favorite cheese sauce, if desired.

Cheese Sauce

½ cube butter                                                            2 cups milk
½ cup flour                                                                1 lb. cheese spread

Melt butter, add flour & cook until bubbly. Add milk & cook until smooth.  Boil 1 minute. Cut cheese in small pieces & beat into hot cream sauce. You may wish to add a little more milk for the consistency you wish.


2 cups cooked pinto beans, mashed                               1 tablespoons butter
½ lb. American cheese                                                   2 tablespoons water
1 cup bread crumbs                                                       Salt & Pepper to taste
1 medium onion minced

Add minced onion to butter & water, cook until tender.  Add onion to beans, grate cheese & add breadcrumbs.  Salt, & pepper to taste.  Shape into loaf.  Roll in breadcrumbs. Bake in 350-degree oven until brown.


2 cups cocked pinto beans                                             1/8 cup celery chopped
1 8—oz can tomato sauce                                             1 tablespoon oil
¼ cup chopped onion                                                    1 recipe biscuit dough

Fry onion & celery in oil until tender.  Add beans & tomato sauce.  Simmer while making biscuit dough.  Roll half of dough as for piecrust.  Line an 8” cake pan or 9” pie pan with one dough crust.  Add bean mixture and top with second piecrust.   Bake at 45o degrees for15 minutes, or until brown.


1cue mashed cooked pinto beans                                   2 eggs beaten
¼ cup finely chopped peppers                                       ½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup finely chopped onion                                           ½ teaspoon baking powder
½ cup flour                                                                    Dash of pepper
Pinch of cayenne

Mix well & shape into small round patties. Brown in butter.


1 10 oz. or can condensed mushroom soup                    ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
½ cup grated sharp cheese                                             ½ cup light cream of milk
4 cups cocked pinto beans                                             1 tablespoon flour
½ cup buttered bead crumbs                                          Salt & Pepper taste

Combine soup & cream. Heat. Blend butter & flour & stir into soup mixture, add Worcestershire sauce. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Stir in cheese until melted. Combine with beans & pimento.  Season to taste. Pour into casserole.  Sprinkle with crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.


2 cups cooked & drained pinto beans                        1 cup dry or moist bread crumbs
1 tablespoon chopped onion                                      1. egg well beaten
Salt & Pepper to taste                                               2 tablespoons chili sauce

Mash the pinto beans and combine with remaining ingredients. Shape into loaf 1 ½ thick. Place in baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for  45 minutes.  Baste twice with butter & water.


2 cups cooked pinto beans, mashed                           2 eggs beaten
1 - 14 oz. can milk for best results)                            ¼ cup salad oil
1 medium onion minced                                             2 ½ cups corn flakes
1 cup walnuts chopped or                                          1 teaspoon sage
¾ teaspoon salt

Brown finely minced onion in part of oil.  Mash beans & add all other ingredients.  Bake in oiled loaf pan for 1 hour at 375 degrees.  Serve with any desired gravy or sauce.  Mushrooms can be added to sauce.


2 cups pinto beans                                                     Salt & Pepper to taste
3” x 3” slab of bacon                                                 Water

Cook beans & bacon in a 4-quart saucepan util well done.  Add salt & pepper to taste & enough water to make 1 quart liquid when beans have finished cooking. 

Dumplings: 1 cup Bisquick and enough of cooled bean soup liquid to make soft dough. Roll out & cut in strips & cook slowly in beans covered for about 15 mm.


2 cups cooked pinto beans                                           ½ teaspoon Bar—B—Q spice
1 8 oz. can tomato sauce)                                             3 tablespoons chopped onion
½ teaspoon cloves                                                        Salt & Pepper to taste
2 cups cooked rice                                                       1 lb. ground beet optional

Simmer onion in oil.  Add beans, tomato sauce & spices, Simmer 15 minutes and add hot rice.   Simmer 5 more minutes. 


Grind or mash 2 cups dried, cooked pinto beans        2 egg yolks         
2 tablespoons cream or canned milk                          1 onion chopped
¼ teaspoon pepper                                                   ¼ cup parsley chopped
1 teaspoon salt

Shape into balls. Flatten & dip them in flour.  Chill the patties 1-hour or more. Fry them slowly until brown a little oil.  Serve with any barbecue sauce.


1 lb. round steak - cut in 6 strips & pound thin           1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 medium onion diced                                               ¼ cup sweet pickle relish
¼ cup dark molasses                                                 6 slices bacon
2 tablespoons soy sauce or A-1 sauce                       2 cups cooked pinto beans
Combine molasses, sauce, juice and onion. Brush sauce on one side of meat.  Spread each piece with relish. Roll up & wrap with bacon. Fasten with small skewer or toothpicks. Brown well on all sides in skillet.  Place beans in casserole dish.  Place meat rolls on top & bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes


Place 2 cups cooked pinto beans with juice in casserole. Add I layer of thin sliced raw onions. 1 layer of bean noodles, cooked & 1 cup cooked diced ham. Top with breadcrumbs & bake in moderate oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Bean Noodles:

2 tablespoon riced, cooked beans                                 1 egg beaten
¼ teaspoon baking powder                                           ½ cup of flour
½ teaspoon salt
Roll thin & cut with sharp knife. Cook in boiling water until tender.


4 cups ground ham                                                    2 tablespoons green pepper chopped
1 cup water                                                              Dough:
2 tablespoons prepared mustard                                1 cup flour
2 cups cooked pinto beans, mashed                          1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon chopped onion                                     1/3 cup shortening
2 tablespoon chopped celery                                     Mix well & add ½ cup milk

Knead well. Roll out dough ¼”thick & spread with mustard.  Put remaining ingredients & spread on dough.  Roll & slice as a cinnamon roll.  Place in shallow pan & top with melted processed cheese.  Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.


2 cups cooked pinto beans                                            2 tablespoons flour
2 medium green peppers                                                1 teaspoon paprika
4 tablespoons bacon drippings                                       1-8 oz.can tomato sauce or
1 large onion chopped                                                     small can tomato paste
1 clove garlic (optional)                                                  1-cup broth or water with bullion cube
Salt & Pepper to taste                                                     may be used) cooking wine
1 lb. venison, elk or beet burger                                       may be used instead of broth

Remove seeds & thin fibrous portion from peppers.  Wash. With sharp knife cut peppers into thin strips. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a pan.  Add peppers, onion, garlic & seasoning.  One-half sauté gently, stirring frequently for 20minutes.  Sprinkle flour & paprika over peppers.  Mix well.  Add tomato sauce, broth or vine & cook, stirring constantly until mixture boils &thickens.  Add beans.  Cover & simmer gently stirring occasionally, for 10minutes.

Mix ground burger lightly with 1 ½ teaspoon salt & ½ teaspoon pepper.  Shape into thick cakes.  Heat remaining fat in skillet, brown meat cakes on both sides pour off all fat from skillet: pour bean & pepper sauce over meat. Cover & simmer until meat is done 5 mm. for rare, longer if well done.


Pound & salt one slice of steak.  Place in greased pan leaving ½ slice to fold over.

1 cup bread crumbs                                                  ½ poultry seasoning
1 cup mashed pinto beans                                          ¼ teaspoon savory salt
1 tablespoon onion chopped                                                

Mix above ingredients.  Place dressing on ½ of steak. Add a strip of bacon, it desired, and fold remaining half of steak to cover.  Bake in 325-degree oven until meat reaches desired doneness.


½ lb. hamburger                                                            1 8 oz. can tomato sauce
¼ lb. sausage                                                                 1/8 cup chopped olives
1 ½ cup mashed cooked pinto beans                             8 crackers crumbled or breadcrumbs
¼ cup chopped onion                                                   Dill pickles sliced
1 egg

Blend all ingredients except pickles; Place half the mixture in a loaf pan. Add layer of dill pickles, then rest of mixture. Bake one hour at 350 degrees.  Garnish sliced olives.


1 lb. hamburger                                                            1 teaspoon salt
1  (8 Oz.) macaroni                                                      1 medium onion chopped
2 cups cooled pinto beans                                             2 tablespoons chili powder
1 medium size canned tomatoes                                    1 cup grated sharp cheese
1 small tan tomato paste

Crumble hamburger in a frying pan, brown lightly. Drain grease. Add chopped onion, tomato paste & 3 cans of water.  Reduce heat, cover and simmer 5 minutes.  Cook macaroni  & add to meat mixture. Add ½ of cheese to tomatoes, beans, salt & chili powder Simmer until done—about 1 hour.  Sprinkle remaining cheese over top & heat in oven until cheese melts.


2 cups cooked pinto beans                                            1 small can each tomato sauce & tomato paste

1 lb. ground beef                                                          1 small can taco sauce

I medium onion chopped                                               2 tablespoons sugar
St1t~& pepper                                                             1 small green pepper chopped
½ teaspoon chili pepper                                                           
Brick of chili to taste(optional)                                      

Brown ground beet lightly, in skillet with onion &green pepper. Add salt, pepper, and chili pepper, sugar & brick chili.  Into saucepan put pinto beans  & sauces.  Add meat mixture & simmer30 minutes. Use favorite pancake mixture & bake medium sized pancakes. Spread each pancake with bean mixture. Roll up & fasten with toothpicks. 


1 lb. ground beef                                                           ½ teaspoon chili pepper

2 cups cooked pinto beans                                           black pepper to taste

1 medium onion chopped                                              3 tablespoons brown sugar
 ½ green pepper chopped                                             ½ cup chili or to taste
1 small hot pepper (optional}                                        2 cans tomato sauce
1 teaspoon salt                                                             corn bread topping
Grated cheese & pimento                                            

Sauté meat, onion & pepper in hot oil in skillet until browned.  Add other ingredients except beans & simmer 20 mm. Add beans & simmer longer. Pour into greased casserole & top with corn bread topping. Bake at 425 degrees until cornbread browns slightly. Garnish with cheese & pimento & bake until well browned.


1 tablespoon shortening                                                2 tablespoons prepared mustard
1 lb. ground beef                                                          4 tablespoons catsup
1 medium onion chopped                                              1tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 ¾ cup or 1-15 oz. can tomato sauce              1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons chili powder                                              ¼ cup green pepper, chopped
3 cups cooked pinto beans & juice                                          

Cook meat, onion and pepper in shortening until browned. Add tomato sauce, chili powder, mustard, catsup, Worcestershire sauce and salt.  Mix ingredients & add the beans & juice.  Simmer for 20minutes.


Serve on a toasted bun.  Pour into baking dish and top with corn bread mixture.  Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes.  Mix with one cup of noodles & put in baking dish. Top with buttered crumbs & bake for 30minutes at 375 degrees.


Toast slices of bread and spread generously with seasoned baked pinto beans. Cover with slices of roast beef & add dashes of catsup.  Top with thin slices of cheese. Place in broiler with low heat until cheese is melted.


1 lb. ground beef                                                       ¼ cup green pepper chopped
½ cup tomato sauce or soup                                      1-½ teaspoon salt
1/2 cup bread crumbs                                               1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/4 Cup chopped onion                                             1/8 teaspoon oregano

Combine all ingredients in bowl & mix well. Pat meat mixture into the bottom & sides of greased 9” pie plate.


1 cup cooked pinto beans mashed                                 1 ½ cups tomato soup or sauce
¾ cup minute rice                                                          1 ½ teaspoon salt
1 cup grated cheese                                                       1 cup water

Combine beans, rice, tomato soup, salt, water & ~ of cheese, spoon mixture into meat shell.  Cover with aluminum roll.  Bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  Uncover; add rest of cheese.  Bake 10 mm.


3 cups dry pinto beans                                                   1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 medium onion                                                            1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 level teaspoons salt                                                     1/3 cup molasses
2 level teaspoons salt                                                     ¼ cup brown sugar
¼ lb. bacon

Cover beans with boiling water. Cook on low heat until tender. Drain. Slice anion in bottom of bean pot & add drained beans. Mix all ingredients with liquid from beans & pour over beans. Cut meat into small pieces & stir carefully into bean mixture. Place in 300-degree oven & bake for 2 or 3 hours, last half-hour uncovered.  Add water if necessary.


4 cups cooked pinto beans                                            4 tablespoons brown sugar

1 cup tomato sauce                                                       Salt to taste

1 onion, sliced                                                               Pepper to taste
¼ green pepper, chopped                                              Celery to taste, diced

Combine above ingredients in baking dish & bake in 300-degree oven about 1 hour.  If necessary add more liquid.


1 onion, chopped fine                                                1/3 cup molasses
2 tablespoons green pepper diced                             ½ cup hot tomato catsup
1 teaspoon mustard                                                   2 strips bacon, diced
4 tablespoons brown sugar, salted                             pineapple slices for garnish

Sauté onion, pepper & bacon until onion & pepper are sort. Combine with remaining ingredients except pineapple slices & mix well.  Place in baking dish and garnish with pineapple slices. Bake 1 hour at 325 degrees.


¼ cup fat or salad oil                                                     1 teaspoon salt
1 lb. ground beef                                                           2 tablespoons prepared mustard
1 cup tomato catsup                                                      5 cups cooked pinto beans drained
2 teaspoons cider vinegar                                               ½ cup chopped onions

Heat fat in skillet, add onions, simmer until brown.  Add ground beef, sir until browned.  Add remaining ingredients.  Pour into a 2-quart casserole.  Bake at degrees for 30 minutes.  Serve hot.


2 quarts cooked pinto beans                                          1 small onion chopped fine
3 cups tomato juice                                                        ½ green pepper, chopped fine
¾ cup catsup                                                                 ½ teaspoon paprika
½ cup sugar                                                                   1/8 teaspoon celery salt

Combine ingredients. Bake in 2~ quart casserole 2 hours at 350 degrees.


4 cups cooked pinto beans                                           ½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vinegar                                                     1 lb. firm ripe tomatoes
3 tablespoons prepared mustard                                   1 cup chopped ripe olives
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce                              ¼ lb. shredded cheese
2 tablespoons chopped onion

Combine beans. Vinegar, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and salt in a baking dish. Core & cut tomatoes in ¼” slices; arrange over beans.  Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.  Sprinkle olives, onion & cheese over tomatoes. Broil until cheese melts.  Serve hot.


1 lb. or 2 ¾ cups dry pinto beans                                   1 clove garlic
¼ cup molasses                                                             1 cup tomatoes
1 tablespoon salt                                                            1 medium sized tart apple
½ cup bacon frippings or vegetable oil                            1 medium onion, sliced
¼ cup tomato catsup                                                     1 ½ tablespoons dry mustard

Thoroughly wash & soak 1 lb. pinto beans overnight.  Cook the beans in the water they soaked in until nearly done.  Place into a baking dish or bean pot.  Add tomatoes, apple onion, dry mustard, and clove of garlic, molasses, salt, vegetable oil or bacon drippings and catsup.  Add beans.  Cover with water & bake in slow oven for 6 hours. Remove lid for last ½ hour if you like beans brown & crisp.


For each quart of’ beans desired, pick over & wash 1 cup dry pinto beans. Place in sterilized quart jars. Add 1-teaspoon salt to each quart. Fill to within 1 inch of top with boiling water. Adjust lids & seal.

Process in pressure cooker the same method as for green vegetables processing 60minutes, at 15-lbs. pressure.  Ideal for quick meals, baked beans, pinto bean salad or any way you would use freshly cooked beans.


2 lbs. hamburger - made into steaks.  Salt & pepper to taste.  Brown steaks in oil and, cover with thin slices of onion.  Cover steaks with bean sauce & simmer for 20 minutes

Bean Sauce

1 cup mashed cooked pinto beans                                 Salt & pepper to taste
1 cup tomato juice                                                         1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon chill powder                                              ½ teaspoon savory salt
pinch of oregano

Mix all ingredients together and pour over meat.  Simmer.  Garnish with parsley.  Serves 6.


2 cups dried pinto beans                                            2 Cups solid pack tomatoes
6 cups water                                                             ½ cup chopped green pepper
1 large onion, thickly sliced                                        2 teaspoons chili powder
2 lbs. corned beef                                                     ½ teaspoon dry mustard
1 small bay leaf                                                         ¼ teaspoon powdered oregano

Put the 6 cups of water in kettle & bring rapidly to the boiling point.  Gradually add the washed beans so that boiling does not stop. Boil beans 2 minutes.  Remove from heat. Cover & let stand for 1 hour.  Add to the beans & the water, onion, garlic, bay leaf & the corned beef.  If using a pressure cooker, cook for ½ hour at 15-lbs. pressure, otherwise use a heavy saucepan with tight lid & simmer 1-½ hours.

After pressure has gone down in cooker add other ingredients.  Salt to taste.  Cover, but do not turn pressure cooker on & simmer for 2 hours longer. Slice corned beef & serve with the beans.


1 lb. beef chuck, shank or                                          2 tablespoons salad oil
  round, cut into 1 inch cubes                                      1 cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons chili powder                                         1 green pepper chopped
1-½ teaspoons salt                                                    2 cups cooked pinto beans
¼ teaspoon pepper                                                    1 can whole kernel corn
1 clove garlic minced

Sprinkle beef cubes with chili powder, salt & pepper.  Brown very slowly with garlic, in salad oil, in large frying pan. Add onion & green pepper. Cook over low heat, stirring often for ten minutes.  Drain pinto beans and corn.  Add liquid to meat mixture. Cover a simmer 45 minutes or until meat is tender. Add pinto beans & corn, cover, cook 15 minutes longer, or until vegetables are heated through.


3 cups pinto beans, cooked                                           1 lb. ground beef
2 cups cooked tomatoes or tomato sauce                       ½ green pepper, chopped
3 tablespoons sugar                                                       1 medium onion, chopped
½ teaspoon chili powder                                                3 tablespoons fat
¼ brick of chili (1/4 lb.)                                                 2 teaspoons salt
Pepper to taste

Into a large saucepan, mix the beans, tomatoes, chili, sugar & chili powder & simmer very slowly.  In a skillet put the 3 Tbsp. fat. When hot, brown the ground beef slightly, adding the onion green pepper, stirring often.  Add salt & pepper. Drain off any fat. Mix the meat sauce into the bean mixture & simmer for 35 – 40minutes, stirring occasionally being careful not to let it scorch.  Just before ready to serve, mix with batter:

1 ¼ cup pancake mix                                                     ½ teaspoon salt
¾ cup corn meal                                                            1 ½ cup milk
1 egg beaten                                                                  1 tablespoon fat

Bake large pancakes on hot griddle or as waffles in wattle iron. To serve, place large pancakes or waffles on individual dinner plates & top generously with bean & meat mixture. If there’s not enough time to make pancake or waffles, the mix is also good on large buns, split & lightly toasted.


1 lb. ground beef                                                           2 cups drained, cooked green beans
¼ cup minced onion                                                       8 oz. can tomato sauce
1 egg                                                                             1 cup thinly sliced onions
1 teaspoon salt & ½ teaspoon pepper                            ½ teaspoon salt
2 cups pinto beans with juice                                          Stir-n-roll- egg pastry topping

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Mix ground beef, minced onion, egg, salt & pepper. Shape into 12 balls. Roll in flour, brown in hot fat. Remove meatballs.  Add pinto beans, tomato sauce, and sliced onions, salt to drippings.  Mix well. Bring to boil. Pour into 2-quart casserole Flute edge.  Make small slits around meatballs. Bake30 – 35 minutes.

2 cups sifted enriched flour                                             ½ cup salad oil
1 teaspoon salt                                                              5 tablespoon cold milk
1 egg

Sift flour & salt.  Beat together oil, egg & milk until thick & creamy.  Pour over entire surface of flour immediately.  Mix with a fork to form ball.  Makes pastry for one 8” or 9” double crusted pie.



3 cups sifted all purpose flour                                         ¼ cup butter or margarine
4 teaspoons baking powder                                           1-cup cold unseasoned pinto
1 teaspoon salt                                                               ¼ cup milk
3 eggs                                                                            Salad oil or shortening for frying
1 cup sugar                                                                   

Sift flour with baking powder, nutmeg, and salt: Set aside. At high speed, beat eggs, sugar & butter until very light & fluffy—about 2 minutes. At low speed beat in beans. Then beat in half the dry ingredients & the milk, then the rest of the dry ingredients.  Dough will be soft.  Refrigerate, covered for about one hour.  Place one half the chilled dough on well floured board or pastry cloth. Coat with flour on all sides. Roll 1/3 inch thick. Fry in hot fat 375 degrees until brown on both sides. Frost as desired or serve plain.


Prepare your favorite pie shell & chill.
1 cup sour cream                                                           ¼ teaspoon salt
3 eggs, beaten  cup                                                       ¾ cup cooked pinto beans, mashed
1 cup sour cream                                                          ¼ cup chopped nuts
1 cup sugar                                                                   Whipping cream or ice cream
1 teaspoon cinnamon                                                    
Combine sour cream, eggs, sugar & seasoning; mix well. Add beans & nuts. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake in hot oven 425 degrees for 10 minutes.  Reduce heat to 350 degrees & bake 35 to 40 minutes. Cool. Spread with whipped cream or top with vanilla ice cream.


16 Vanilla wafers crushed
4 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
4 tablespoons brown sugar

Combine above ingredients & spread ½ of mixture in the bottom of a pan or dish of your choice

2 cups pinto beans, mashed                                           1 cup crushed pineapple
 ½ cup nuts                                                                    1 package plain gelatin
1 cup sugar                                                                    1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs, separated                                                           ½ cup cold water
½ cup milk                                                                    I cup whipping cream

Cook the sugar, egg yolks & ~ cup milk until slightly thickened. Remove from heat. Dissolve gelatin in water. Add to custard. Add mashed beans gradually & cool. Add pineapple, nuts & vanilla. Whip cream & fold into stiffly beater egg whites. Fold into custard mixture.  Pour into wafer crust.  Top with remaining crumbs.  Chill before serving. 


2 TBLS butter                                                                                      1 egg
½ cup granulated sugar                                                                         2/3 cup peanut butter
½ cup brown sugar                                                                               1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
½ cup cooked sieved pinto beans                                                         1 teaspoon soda

Cream butter & peanut butter until soft. Add sugars gradually. Cream until smooth. Add egg & pinto beans. Sift flour & soda, then add to first mixture. Chill dough thoroughly. Roll on floured board. Cut into 3 - 4 inch circles. Bake at 400 degrees for10 to 12 min.


2 tablespoons butter                                                      1 teaspoon vanilla
1 heaping cup powdered sugar                                       2 tablespoons peanut butter

Cream butter & sugar; add vanilla & peanut butter. Add enough milk for desired consistency. Frost cookies & decorate with owl faces made of lifesavers, chocolate chips & candy corn.


1 cup milk                                                                      3 cups unsifted flour
1 cup cooked unseasoned mashed pinto beans               1 ¼ cups sugar
2 tablespoons shortening                                                ½ teaspoon salt
2 eggs, well beaten                                                         ½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla                                                          3 tsp. Baking powder
½ teaspoon nutmeg

Sift flour with salt, baking powder, and spice; set aside. In large bowl of mixer at high speed, beat shortening & sugar. Add eggs and beat until very light & fluffy—about 2 minutes.  Add pinto beans & vanilla. Add half the dry ingredients, along with milk. Then add the rest of the dry ingredients. Chill dough. Turn onto lightly floured board. Roll 1/4 inch thick, cut with floured cutter. Fry in deep fat 385 degrees. Drain on absorbent paper. Makes 2 dozen. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar mixture of 1 cup granulated sugar & 1 teaspoon cinnamon.


¾ cup sweetened applesauce                                        1 teaspoon baking powder
¾ cup strained pinto beans                                            ½ teaspoon salt
I cup brown sugar                                                         ½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup shortening                                                          ½ teaspoon cloves
I egg                                                                             2 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon baking soda

Mix:  ½ cup flour, ½ cup nuts & ½ cup raisins

Mix first five ingredients thoroughly.  Sift dry ingredients and add to first mixture.  Add floured nuts & raisins. Blend well. Drop by teaspoonful on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 to 20 mm. Store in covered jar.


1 ½ cups flour                                                  ½ cup brown sugar, packed
¾ teaspoon baking powder                                           2 eggs
½ teaspoon soda                                                          2/3 cup milk
½ teaspoon salt                                                            2 tablespoon powdered buttermilk
½ teaspoon cloves                                                        ½ cup mashed beans
½ teaspoon cinnamon                                                   ½ cup raisins
½ cup margarine                                                           2/3 cup sugar

Sift flour once, measure, and add baking powder, soda, salt, cloves & cinnamon. Sift together three times.  Cream margarine. Add sugars gradually, & cream until light & fluffy. Add eggs one at a time
beating well. Add beans & beat again. Dissolve powdered buttermilk in milk. Add flour alternately with milk. Beat after each addition. Wash raisins & mix with 1-tablespoon flour. Add to cake.  Pour into two 8” cake pans.  Bake at 375 degrees for 22 to 25 min. Frost


½ cup shortening                                                          ½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup sugar                                                                   ½ teaspoon cloves
1 cup cooked beans                                                     ½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ cup applesauce                                                         ½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon soda                                                           1 cup raisins
2 ¼ cups flour, sifted                                                    1 cup nuts, chopped
1egg                                                                             1 cup rolled oats

Cream shortening, add sugar gradually & heat in egg. Add beans & applesauce, to which soda has been mixed.  Sift spices & salt with flour, & add to first mixture. Add raisins, nuts, & oats. Drop from teaspoon on greased cookie sheet & bake 375 degrees for 10 min.


1 cup granulated sugar                                      1 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar                                                        ½ teaspoon cloves
1 cup shortening                                                           ½ teaspoon soda
½ cup molasses                                                            1 cup raisins
2 cups cooked pinto beans                                           4 ½ cups flour
4 eggs                                                                          ¾ cup chopped nuts
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Cream, together sugars, shortening, pinto beans, which have been mashed with a fork, & molasses. Add eggs, sift together spices, salt, soda & flour & add to mixture. Fold in raisins & nuts.  Drop from a teaspoon on greased cookie sheet & bake at 375 degrees for about 15 min.

¾ cup shortening                                                          ¾ cup cooked ground pinto beans
2 cups brown sugar                                                      3 to 4 cups flour
½ cup salad dressing                                                     1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs                                                                          1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 teaspoon soda                                                            ½ teaspoon salt          

Cream shortening, add sugar & beaten eggs, salad dressing, salt, vanilla and peanut butter, beans and dry ingredients adding enough flour to make dough stiff enough to handle.  Chill until ready to use.  Cut and decorate as desired and bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.


Sift together:                                                                 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups sifted flour                                                         1 tablespoon molasses
1 ½ cups sugar                                                 ½ teaspoon grated orange rind
2 ½ teaspoons baking powder                                      1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt                                                            
½ teaspoon cloves                                                        Beat 2 min

2 eggs
¼ cup milk
¾ cup mashed cooked pinto beans

½ cup shortening
¾ cup milk

Beat 2 minutes more.  Bake in greased cupcake pans at 325 degrees for 20 min.  Cool. Ice with cinnamon icing,

Cinnamon Icing:
Cream together 3 tablespoons butter. 1 cup powdered sugar, ¼ teaspoons cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon vanilla, 1 drop red food coloring.  Gradually add ¼ cup milk & more sugar until spreading consistency.  Ice cakes, reserving 1 tablespoon icing.  To reserved icing, add ½ teaspoon cocoa. Thin with milk. Paint brown spots & streaks on cupcakes with a small water brush, making them resemble pinto beans.


1 cup soft, cooked pintos                                                          1 tablespoon vanilla
¼ - ½ cup milk to the consistency of mashed potatoes
Melt in double boiler:
6 oz. unsweetened chocolate                                                     6 tablespoons butter
Pour the hot chocolate mixture into the beans. Stir until slightly thickened. Work In two 1 pound packages of powdered sugar. Knead with hands, spread into slightly buttered pan. Refrigerate. .  Makes 3 ½ pounds.  Nuts are optional.


1 cup mashed pinto beans                                              ½ teaspoon salt
1 oz. unsweetened chocolate                                          1 pound powdered sugar
1oz. butter                                                                     ½ cup chopped black walnuts

Melt chocolate & butter together. Add beans & 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix sugar a little at a time.  Add nuts & press into greased pan.  Cut before it sets & chill.


¾ Cup pinto beans (mashed)                                     Confectioners sugar
2 tablespoons flour                                                    melted chocolate
Food coloring to your desire                                      maraschino cherry pieces
Or Peppermint flavoring                                            nuts for garnish

Combine mashed beans & flour. Tint any desired shade with food coloring. Add peppermint flavoring to taste. Work in as much confectioner’s sugar as possible to make stiff.  Spoon mixture on to waxed paper using a teaspoon or less for each mint. Press with fork to flatten. . Chill. Dip edges of mints in melted chocolate or decorate with pieces or maraschino cherries or nuts.


2/3 cup canned milk (light cream may be used)          ½ cup strained, cooked pinto beans
1 ½ cups chocolate chips                                          1 2/3 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla                                                      1 ½ cup small marshmallows
½ cup chopped nuts

Combine sugar & milk in kettle.  Boil 5 mm. stirring constantly.  Add remaining ingredients & stir until marshmallows dissolve.  Pour in buttered pan.  Cool & cut in squares.


3 ½ cups strained pinto bean juice                                 3 cups hot water
2 cups orange juice                                                        2 pkgs. Lime Jell-O
2 cups pineapple juice                                                    1 quart ginger, ale

Dissolve Jell-O in hot water.  Add juices.  Chill thoroughly.  Just before serving, add ginger ale.


½ cup cooked, mashed unseasoned pinto beans             1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon maple extract                                              1 lb. Confectioners sugar
½ cup chopped nuts                                                      chocolate chips (melted)

Mix thoroughly beans, sugar & salt. Add extract & nuts. Mix well. Spread in square pan, chill & cut into squares. Or make in small balls (teaspoon size) & dip in melted chocolate chips. Cool.


4 squares unsweetened chocolate                                   2 ½ - pounds powdered sugar
1 ½ cubes of butter                                                        1 teaspoon vanilla
1 ½ cups cooked pinto beans (mashed or ground)

Melt chocolate & butter. Add beans & mix well. Add vanilla. Gradually add powdered sugar & mix well. Pour into buttered pan


2 tablespoons cooked pinto beans                                ½ cup water
3 tablespoons butter                                                     1/8 teaspoon salt
¾ cup sugar                                                                  2 tablespoons corn syrup
1/8 teaspoon vanilla

Mash beans through colander. Melt butter over medium heat. Add beans & sugar. Mix thoroughly. Stir constantly while adding water gradually. When well blended boil gently until smooth & thickened.  About 8 minutes.  While sauce is boiling, add salt, corn syrup & vanilla.


3      cups cooked pinto beans, mashed                            ½ teaspoon salt
4      2     cups diced raw apples                                      1 teaspoon cinnamon
1   cup sugar                                                                 ½ teaspoon cloves
¼ cup butter                                                                 ½ teaspoon allspice
1 egg, beaten                                                                2 teaspoons vanilla
1   cup flour                                                                  1cup raisins
1      teaspoon soda                                                         ½ cup chopped nuts

Cream sugar & butter. Add beaten egg. Add mashed beans. Sift all dry ingredients together & add to sugar mixture. Add apples, raisins, chopped nuts, & vanilla. Pour into well - greased 10” tube pan & bake in 375 degree oven for 45minutes. Glaze & decorate with maraschino cherry halves and walnut halves if desired.


2 eggs well beaten                                                         ½ cup coconut, angel flake
1 cup sugar                                                                    2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup canned milk                                                          1/8 teaspoon salt

Mix all ingredients together well & pour in a pie dish lined with the following crust.

2/3 cup flour                                                                 ½ cup vegetable shortening
1/8 teaspoon salt

Mix until crumbly with a table fork, Add 3 tablespoons ice water or enough to make soft dough.  Roll out on a floured board to fit the pie dish.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. When cool, top with dream whip.


1 cup sugar                                                                   ¼ teaspoon cloves
½ cup butter                                                                 1teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs                                                                          1 cup warm water
2 cups flour                                                                  1 cup raisins
½ teaspoon soda                                                          2/3 cup mashed pinto beans
1 teaspoon cinnamon                                                    2/3 cup apple butter
1 teaspoon allspice                                                       1 cup nuts
½ teaspoon salt
Cream sugar & butter, add eggs, beat until smooth. Sift dry ingredients; add alternately with warm water. Then add the apple butter, beans & nuts. This makes a thin better. Pour in greased 9 cake pans. Bake 25 to 30 minutes at 375 degrees. Top with frosting.

2 cups sugar                                                                  ½ cup light cream
½ cup burnt sugar syrup                                                 pinch salt
Mix ingredients. Boil to soft -ball stage, then beat. Add 1-teaspoon vanilla & nuts if desired.


To ½ cup creamed shortening. Add 2 cups sugar, 2 eggs & 1 cup mashed cooked into beans.  Beat 2 minutes. Sift together 3 cups flour, ¼ teaspoon soda, and 4 teaspoons baking powder. Add alternately to creamed mixture ½ cup milk.  Mix until smooth. Fold in ½ cup coconut, ½ cup chopped nuts & one-teaspoon maple extract.  Pour into 2 greased & floured loaf pans.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45minutes.
Cool. Slice thinly & serve as you would fruitcake.


1 ¾ cups flour                                                              1 cup mashed pinto beans
1 cup sugar                                                                   1 teaspoon allspice
2 teaspoons baking soda                                               1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup mayonnaise                                                         ½ teaspoon cinnamon
¾ cup water                                                                 ½ teaspoon nutmeg

Combine dry ingredients. Add mayonnaise, water & beans. Mix well.  Bake in greased square or round pan at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 mm.  When cool, frost with a light caramel frosting.


½ cup butter                                                                 1 teaspoon allspice
1 cup sugar                                                                   1 cup mashed pinto beans
2 eggs
1 cup warm water                                                        1 cup sweetened apple sauce
2 cups flour                                                                  1 cup raisins
1 teaspoon soda                                                           1 cup nuts
1 teaspoon salt                                                             1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream butter, sugar & eggs; add water & dry ingredients alternately.  Stir in beans applesauce, raisins nuts & vanilla.  Bake in greased pans at 350 degrees for 40 to 50 min.


1 cup cooked mashed pinto beans                                 1 cup sugar
4 eggs                                                                           1 cup dark corn syrup
1 cup shredded coconut

To mashed beans add sugar, syrup and unbeaten eggs.  Beat all together until sugar is dissolved.  Add coconut.  Pour into unbaked pie shell and bake for 30 minutes.  For the first 10 minutes, bake at 400 degrees.  Turn oven down to 375 degrees for the remaining 20 minutes or until set.  Serve with whipped cream. 


1 cup mashed pinto beans                                             2 cups sugar
3 eggs                                                                          pinch of salt
1 unbaked pie crust                                                      pecan halves

Beat sugar, salt and eggs together.  Add beans.  Mix well.  Let ingredients stand for ½ hour.  Pour into pie shell.  Top with pecan halves.  Bake at 425 degrees until crust begins to brown.  Reduce temperature to 375 degrees and bake for an additional 30 minutes.  Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream.

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