
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Living on Food Storage — Real Life Experiences

I read the following article by Carolyn Nicolaysen on Meridian Magazine several years ago, and found it interesting. You may see yourself in many of the experiences she writes about, or you may also find that you are prepared in many areas, but lacking in others. Aren't we all? 

As we read the scriptures, study the words of the prophets, and look at the signs all around us, we may feel a prompting from the Holy Ghost to prepare for what is to surely come. And come it will quicker than many anticipate.  The better prepared we are then we shall be able to weather the  stormy days ahead. It would be better to live amongst those who are fully prepared and waiting to assist the Lord in all that needs to be done in the days preceeding his coming in great glory, than to be amongst the faithless or simply lazy. We shall see harsh events occur all around, but we can be secure in knowing that we have done all we can to be prepared. 

TEST RESULTS - cooking with different kinds of alcohol

Melody Barber did an experiment with Alcohol. No not wine, but denatured and isopropyl alcohol.  Remember we should have different fuels on hand to use. Where one may not be appropriate to use another will be. 

Keep in mind that "One is none, Two is One, and Three is better than One."

Many people think they are just going to fire up the old BBQ and cook away. Well just let us assume for a moment that you cannot for some reason use the BBQ. Just let your imagination run wild over a myriad of reasons.  The list could go on. You should always have other methods planned out and ready to implement.  Such as Solar Cooking. Yep, the sun may not be working with you that day (you know, the sun is hiding behind the clouds) , and you have to choose another method. A wise person does not rely on one or two styles of cooking, they have many different methods in place so if the inevitable happens they are prepared. 

Results from four alternative ways to bake bread

Melody Barber passes this experience on to everyone. - So, my son wanted scones today and we were feeling ambitious so we made a big batch of wheat bread dough and tried different cooking methods.

For the Control Group - We fried scones in coconut oil on the gas stove -- Yummy!

Baked in an applebox oven

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Plans to Build Your Own Solar Oven

If you do not want to purchase a Solar Oven, then break out the hammer and nails and build your own! 

Here is a comprehensive site on many types of Solar Ovens you can make.

FREE plans and instructions. It would be a great ward or family project. Solar Ovens are pricey, but the do-it-yourself variety work exactly the same without the hefty price tag.

For anyone who tried the link before and found not a single plan ... it's because I posted the wrong site by accident. Thanks go to the person who caught it first!

Every Commercial Sun Oven Under The Sun!

Just sharing this site with you so you can see what kind of options you have with solar cooking.  You might want to shop around for the best price, but this was fun to see all the pictures in one place, and watch the videos of the different solar ovens in action!   Make sure before you order one, that you check other sources to compare the shipping charges.  That can make a big difference in the final cost. I'm sharing this so you can see the many options, but not endorsing this site as having the best prices. 

I can only tell you about the Global Sun Oven since that is the one I own, but as you can see they ALL use the power of the sun to cook your food.

I had no idea you could purchase a Pressure Cooker for a Solar Oven. I am seriously considering it. Yes, I am!

Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine - By Kenneth Moravec

If we are so unfortunate that we have an biological attack then you will want to quarantine yourself and family. Don't think it can't happen; and don't be embarrassed that everyone will think you are crazy. Nope! You are protecting your family. Read the following short article on quarantining. If you are wise and choose to be prepared you will also print up a sign to post in your window that states "This House Is Under Self-Quarantine". Add a skull and crossbones to make it look even more menacing. 

Kenneth Moravec has worked extensively in the military with biological weaponry.  He knows his stuff.  Bottom line:  When it hits--stay home!

Spencer W. Kimball - "Preparedness - the Ten Virgins"

The ancients looked forward to the coming of the Lord and asked, "When shall all these things be?" The pioneers thought it would be soon and watched for signs; our grandparents watched for the sprouting of the fig tree; our parents watched for the reddening of the sky; and we ourselves have heard all our lives that the Second Coming is near.

Do we lose faith, do we lose patience, do we lose hope, do we get weary in waiting, because the day is long and the event delayed?

The writer of Hebrews warns: Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. (Hebrews 10:35-37.) 

What If ... What if we had a Biological Attack or an Pandemic?

If we had a biological attack or a pandemic it is important to maintain impeccable personal hygiene. We don't even have to experience such a horrible event to know that these simple steps are important for everyday life. We shouldn't be waiting until illness strikes to keep on top of healthy habits.

Kenneth Moravec who has over 20 years of experience in the field of Nuclear/ Biological Weaponry, knows what he is talking about and if we are now or later looking at the possibility of an actual pandemic, then what he says below are words to live by.  Adults and children should be taught to maintain healthy standards of hygiene.

Impeccable personal hygiene