
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Prophetic Statement by President Boyd K Packer

A bit over 21 years ago in the May 1990 Ensign President Packer gave this council and advice.
"I have thought much lately of the other prophet Joseph,

Prophetic Statement by President Gordon B Hinckley

In the October 1998 General Conference Priesthood Session almost 13 years ago he gave us this council:
"And there shall arise after them seven years of famine...

Prophetic Statement by Elder L Tom Perry

Almost 16 years ago he gave guidance in the October 1995 General Conference, it seems to be even more pertinent today.
I believe it is time, and perhaps with some urgency,

Prophetic Statement by President Harold B Lee

In the December 1970 Improvement Era he stated:
Now the only safety we have as members of this Church is

Prophetic Statement - President Marion G Romney

In April of 1975 General Conference he stated ...

"We will live to see the day when we live on what we produce."

Prophetic Statement - President Ezra Taft Benson

Almost 31 years ago in the we received the following council and warning: 

In the November 1980 Ensign we read:

Prophetic Statement - President Dieter F Uchtdorf

In the October 2005 General Conference said:
We recognize that we are living in a time of turmoil, disaster, and war. We and many others feel strongly the great need for a "defense, and for a refuge from the storm, and from wrath when it shall be poured out without mixture upon the whole earth" (D&C 115:6)"

Prophetic Statement by - Elder James E. Faust - in the October 2005 General Conference

Almost six years ago in the October 2005 General Conference Priesthood session gave us the following council and warning:

Prophetic Statement - President Gordon B Hinckley

Almost six years ago in the October 2005 General Conference Priesthood session gave us the following council and warning: 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Alcohol Stove Tutorial

Here is a tutorial for making alcohol stoves. Tom and my brother made several alcohol stoves and experimented with them. Tom bought a couple of Alcohol Stoves that were made in the 70's that had never been used. He loves them. If you can find one of the older Alcohol Stoves you've made a great find! If it's in great condition don't pass it up. 

First don't decide you'll only settle for a brand new Alcohol Stove and wouldn't ever consider obtaining a used one, or making your own. They all work the same, some with a simple design, some more elaborate, but they all work. Take a look at the Tutorial and instructions that Tom and my brother used at 

Hundreds of Uses for Vinegar

I prefer to use vinegar in my home, instead of toxic products. It's non-toxic and inexpensive.  Look and see how many uses for vinegar you can incorporate into your home.