Squatting heavily in dank basements, drafty attics, and dusty, cluttered garages, these three-legged hulks from a bygone era wait impatiently to release their treasures. Until then, they are pitted by time and tarnished by neglect. For those who will uncover the mystery, their gaping caverns can once again be brimming with magic.
Let us all seek to receive all the blessings that our Lord and most Holy Savior Jesus Christ desires to bless each of us with, as we keep His commandments and seek His face while in the flesh. We need to prepare ourselves spiritually and physically in order to not be burned at His coming.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Natural Remedies for the Flu
President Hinckley and President Monson have some advice for you.
President Hinckley has said:
The best food storage is not in welfare grain elevators but in
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Medical Emergency and First Aid Uses of Garlic
Who is exempt from Food Storage?
Those exempt from having food storage are: Missionaries and Military personnel.
Another Tim Wolfe presentation on Preparedness
This presentation may feel a little like trying to get a sip of water from a fire hydrant but we must start somewhere... Prepare items in the same order that life may be endangered
Common Sense Ideas Learned About Storage and Preparedness
This talk given by Tim Wolfe in 2003 should be a wake up call to many, I can only hope.
Common Sense Ideas Learned About Storage & Preparedness
There are two types of Crises we must prepare for.
If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear
President Gordon B. Hinckley
We can so live that we can call upon the Lord for His protection and guidance. . . . We cannot expect His help if we are unwilling to keep His commandments.
Monday, June 13, 2011
We live in the Days just as the time of Noah: LDS Mormon Prophets and Leaders warn and prepare us
Davidkat99, with the prophets testifying about how we live in days just like Noah. It's a don't miss video!
Presenting the Queen of Dehydrating
The very talented woman has taught dehydrating in the following videos. She is simple to follow and gives you wonderful information. When you go through her site you'll say wow!
Post-Conference Musings
I have kept this from 2009 from the "Prepare Today Newsletter", and I thought I would pass it along to everyone. It is so revelent today. Make sure you watch the video too. DavidKat99 makes some don't miss videos about the gospel.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Instructions: Simple to Make Emergency Candles
Sawdust or Wood Shaving Emergency Candles are a fantastic light as well as a heat source. You can cook with them and heat a room.
Beans, Beans and Beans
* A pound of beans measures about 2 cups dry, 6 cups cooked
(Some varities only double in volume).
* A pound of dry beans ground to a fine flour measures approx. 5 cups.
President Gordon B. Hinckley - October 2005 General Conference Priesthood session
"Those of us who read and believe the scriptures are aware of the warnings of prophets concerning catastrophes
Recipes - Hard Tack, a simple life saver
Hardtack is a simple type of cracker or biscuit, made from flour, water, and sometimes salt. Inexpensive and long-lasting,